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De BSA Thunderbolt was een Britse motorfiets gemaakt door BSA in hun fabriek in Armory Road in Small Heath Birmingham tussen 1964 en 1972. De Thunderbolt heeft één carburateur en kon een maximale snelheid halen van 160km/h.
Het BSA-ontwikkelteam besloot de kosten laag te houden door de beproefde enkelzijdige voorrem van de BSA Gold Star en race-nokkenas van de BSA Lightning opnieuw te gebruiken. Uitgerust met 12 volt, een Zener diodespanningsregelaar en dubbele spoelontsteking, verkocht de Thunderbolt goed in de belangrijke Amerikaanse importmarkt en met de 3,5-imperial-gallon (16 l; 4.2 US gal) brandstoftank gaf een bereik van 210 mijl (340 km).
From 1968 the Thunderbolt benefited from a number of minor improvements including a longer kick start to make starting easier and metal tank badges to replace the earlier plastic ones, which had a tendency to crack. An Amal Concentric Float carburettor dealt with the problems of fuel flooding experienced with the earlier monobloc carburettor, by having the float bowl arranged centrally around (concentric with, hence the name) the main jet to remove the sensitivity to fuel surge inherent in all the earlier designs. Stiffer suspension improved cornering but poor quality control and production problems on the BSA assembly line with later models led to oil leaks and rusting parts which damaged the reputation of the Thunderbolt, which was already struggling to compete against the emerging Japanese motorcycles of the early 1970s (such as the Honda CB750) and production ended in 1972.